Sunday 21 July 2013

What are the features, specialities and changes in Windows 8 operating system Now it's UP !!!

Before I start to give you an in-depth analysis about Windows 8, bear it in mind that many of the new features of Windows 8 might not appeal to the average user because it has been designed not only for desktop computers but also for tablet computers. Rather I would say that tablet devices were the centric focus of Microsoft while designing Windows 8 OS. Now I will not take any more of your time and will proceed directly to business with the features of Windows 8.

Metro style user interface

Windows 8 will replace you boring start menu with the tablet themed wall with all your application shortcuts pinned on it. The interface is now a pin up wall like in Windows phone 7 with a look that is both rich and interactive. This Metro screen is the default screen, however, if you want to switch to the good old desktop screen then there is a normal desktop view title on the Metro UI.

User optimizing Windows Explorer

s soon as you start working you will notice the Ribbon interface of Windows 8. If you have worked on Microsoft Office 7 or 10 then you know what a ribbon interface is.
The speciality of Ribbon interface is that it prioritizes the interface according to you. All you latest used options will be in front of. So the next time you want to create a new folder you just need to click on the menu button for New Folder, no need to right click > New > Folder. This is really a very useful feature which has been taken down in Windows 8 from Office 7 and 10.

All new Internet Explorer 10

IE has been losing a large amount of its user base to Mozilla and Chrome. With Windows 8, Microsoft has introduced Internet Explorer 10 which is said to have enhanced speed and security features. HTML is supported in IE 10. I do not use IE at all (I prefer Mozilla), so if you like it do share your experience through comments and I will add it in the text after giving you due credits.

Improved file operations

Source: Guiding tech
I use TeraCopy on my Windows to have better control on file copying. TeraCopy allows you to pause and resume failed copying process by allowing option for “Skip” files which are already there. With Windows 8, we can forget these all. The three main features changes for file operations with Windows 8 are:


Now when copying multiple files you have much greater controls. You can pause and resume the process and also watch the address of the source and destination folder.


Unlike the previous Windows riming calculations for a copy process, Windows 8 shows you real-time information on how much time it will take to copy a file. Users will be able to see the copy process on a graph as well along with the transfer speed.


In case there is some system conflict while copying like non-existing file or repetitive name, Windows 8 has been equipped to handle such situations more smartly.

Faster boot from Hibernation

Windows XP as well as Windows 7, both take a huge quite an amount of time to reboot from Hibernation. This time is only a little less than the Start up time. However, in Windows 8- the Hybrid Boot support has been improved by combining shut down and hibernate process to speed up the boot, bringing down the time to 8 to 10 seconds.

New Task Manager

There is too much to talk about the Task Manager of Windows 8. We will soon come out with a separate post for that, but for now we can tell you that it is a very powerful tool having two views- simple and advanced. In the Simple view you can see the list of running applications and an End Task button which will kill any application. The Advanced View shows much more information about all the processes running on the system.

Windows app store

As mentioned before, Windows 8 has been designed with tablet devices in mind. So going with the flow, Windows 8 has an online App store similar to the Apple’s Mac store where users can buy free or paid applications to go with the metro theme. The store is not launched yet but we expect it to be a cool experience.

Easy factory restore

This is the final weapon in your arsenal if anything goes wrong with your installed Windows 8. The recovery option in Windows 8 has done away with the need to format your computer in case it is malfunctioning and you do not know how to repair it. Windows 8 comes with two options- Refresh and Reset. Both the options set your system to the state just after Windows was installed. While the first option keeps the files intact, the latter erases away everything that has been placed in the memory after Windows 8 installation. Thus you get a clean system and no need to install your Windows again and again.

Windows Live ID integration

Now Windows 8 owners get to keep all their files on cloud. This feature allows you to sync your local Windows 8 account with Windows Live ID and sync all your data on your hard drive to the Windows cloud server. Therefore, no matter even if you lose all hard drive or are travelling, all your data follows you always.

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